RV Tips: 6 Easy Ways to Stay Organized

Whether you’re just getting into RV life or looking for an upgrade for 2023, these RV tips will help you stay organized at the campground. As a full-time RVing family, we have plenty of experience fitting the belongings of a family of three into a fifth wheel. Learn our best tips for keeping your space tidy and organized below.

Get Storage Bins for the Cabinets

One of the best and worst things about RV cabinets is that they are mostly just open spaces. You’ll need to get storage bins for these spaces to make them easier to organize. We use containers in the wardrobes to keep socks, underwear, and other small items easy to access.


Don’t Underestimate Command Hooks

I use Command Hooks in every room of the RV because they are so much easier to install than other types of hooks. We’ve added hooks to our bathroom for towels, the coat closet for more space for jackets, hats, and scarves, and in the kitchen to hang utensils, towels, and more.

command hooks

Get Rolling Bins for Your Understorage

The under storage in our RV is incredibly spacious, but it isn’t easy to keep organized. One of the best ways to manage this space in rolling bins that are intended to go under a bed. This makes it easy to stack them in the space and retrieve whichever you need.

Give Everything a Designated Spot

One of the things that living in a small space highlights is clutter. If anything is out of place in the RV, it’s incredibly obvious. It doesn’t take much to keep things in their home, but it is essential to keeping the space tidy.


Get a Rug or Welcome Mat for Inside and Out

It might sound silly, but campgrounds are dirty, and you’ll be shocked by the amount of dust and dirt that finds its way inside. We combat this by putting a mat at the bottom of our stairs and a second one just inside the door.

welcome mat

Keep a Mini Cleaning Set in Multiple Rooms

This one might seem counter-intuitive, but I’ve found it’s easiest to tackle the small tasks like sweeping or wiping down the counters as soon as the notion hits me. If you keep a small set of cleaning supplies tucked away in every room, it’s much easier to just clean it up right then without getting distracted by moving to another space.

cleaning supplies

Contact us for more information about how to find the best RV for your family vacations.

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