RV Traveling with Children

RV camping with your kids can be a wonderful experience–and it does come with unique challenges. Below, we cover key tips for setting your family up for a great RV trip.

Be Realistic About the Road Trip

There’s no getting around the fact that kids get bored easily, especially if there’s nothing around to spark their sense of curiosity or stimulate their mind. They tend to struggle with long hours trapped in a vehicle but if you make it a point to provide plenty of engaging activities, you should make out okay. You can start by letting them choose to bring some of their favorite books, toys, and movies. Consider giving them the chance to pick the music in the RV sometimes, which will make them feel like they have some control over the environment.

Bring Plenty of Entertainment Options

You can download coloring and drawing apps, games, and educational videos to smart devices so they remain occupied. When they grow tired of that, you can switch to craft projects for part of the journey. Bring markers, a clipboard, and paper for them to color on. You can also bring the supplies needed to make friendship bracelets. Always encourage reading to ensure they’re constantly learning when you’re traveling. Think about giving each child a journal, colorful pens, and stickers to document their experiences on the road.

Establish Sleeping Arrangements

Before you start your trip, make sure you have enough bunks and beds for each child to have their own place to sleep at the end of the night. Your camper should provide ample space for all of your kids. If possible, consider adding curtains or partitions for a sense of privacy. Monitor the temperature to ensure it doesn’t get too cold or too hot inside your RV. You can also use fold-out beds or sleeping bags to simplify the need for sleeping arrangements. Your children will be much happier when they wake up in the morning if they’ve gotten a good night’s rest in a comfortable bed each night.

For more information or to explore family-friendly RVs for sale, visit Pontiac RV, located right nearby in Pontiac, IL!

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